This video sums up & outlines our Education Plan, Assurance Framework and Mission and Vision:
The Alberta Conference actively reviews data and engages with its stakeholders in an ongoing basis (see our timeline).
The following Accordion Folders contain the engagement documents and information:
The Alberta Conference Office of Seventh-Day Adventist’s Office of Education Three-Year Education Plan and the Annual Education Results Report are posted on the Division website. Electronic copies are shared with all school stakeholders via school websites. Each school utilizes a Continuous School Improvement Plan that is reviewed by each school board and the division office throughout the school year.
Assurance Planning and Engagement – 2021/2022
This document captures the overall themes and responses from all of our engagements’ activities throughout the 2021/2022 school year.
These themes and results were shared with school administrators as well as with our School Council chairs at the Board/School Council chair annual meeting.
The most frequently mentioned priority area was Excellent Teaching, which directly influenced our priority area of Quality Teaching for the 2022/2023 school year.
Home and School Associations
Each of our 11 schools is required to have a Home and School Association. These associations are parent representation in our schools and provide support through fundraising, board representation, staff and student support, as well as other supports to ensure a robust program.
School Board Membership
Our local school boards report to and are accountable to the district K-12 board.
Each school is required to operate a School Board with representation from our constituent churches, parents, teachers and leadership. Elementary School boards are required to meet at least 6 times per school year. Senior High Schools are required to meet at least 8 times per school year. These boards help to support and guide our leadership teams gaining insight from our stakeholders vital in the decision making process.
Division-Wide Surveys
Each Spring our students across the division complete a survey that directly informs the development of the AERR. This survey is our chance to hear the voices of our students regarding Educational improvement, school safety, integration of faith and learning and many other important aspects of our schools
We are expanding this program to include teachers and parents in the coming years.
Teacher Conventions
New Teacher Orientation Session
Our New Teacher Orientation Session provides an opportunity for our new teachers to connect with us at the division, ask questions and get the support they need to be successful for their coming school year.
Seventh-Day Adventist Teachers Conventions
Our Education System provides many opportunities for teachers to develop and collaborate with other SDA teachers through Provincial, National and International Teachers Conventions.
Principal’s Professional Learning Council-Monthly
Our Principals meet together with our district leadership to connect and collaborate on district-wide decisions and future planning.
High School Task Force
Our High School Task Force is set up to address the specific needs and planning for high school students and teachers across our district.
Mental Health Task Force
The Mental Health Task Force is designed to address the concerns surrounding the increasing needs of our students and their mental health. With representation from each school this task force is another touch point for our schools to provide voice to local concerns, provide access to resources for support of staff and students.
- The Annual Education Results Report for the Seventh-day Adventist Schools in Alberta was prepared under the direction of the Board of Directors in accordance with the responsibilities under the Private Schools Regulation and the Education Grants Regulation. This document was developed in the context of the provincial government’s business and fiscal plans.
- The Board approved this Annual Education Results Report